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Ideation is a business consulting firm that design with people - with our clients. We design business models, strategic direction, and implementation programs. We are hands on in connecting the dots from business model to implementation.

   Together we can

We strive to build long-term partnership with our clients. We believe in trust, common goals, hard work, and commitment persistent over time. By persistently addressing both business structures and mental processes in an organization, we can create lasting results, values, and a better future.

Business structures meaning business model, strategies, organization and processes. Mental processes meaning people's competence, attitude, behavior, and interaction with colleagues and other stakeholders.

   The way we work

We believe in working together - with common goals, through interactive workflows, and with the right people. We strive to create an open dialogue, visualization, creativity, and working better together. We secure communication, engagement, and alignment throughout the organization - to achieve commitment and results.

Our experience spans from client relationships in telecommunications, construction, building automation, security, retail, energy, and management consulting.


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Copyright 2012 Ideation
